
      His eyes are blue as ice and deep like the sea,
      lips are soft and his kisses like a plea.
      When he's touching me I'm melting away,
      shiver because it's so much pleasure, I can't say.
      Thighs are hard as stone,
      but still soft; and with a moan
      he tells me he likes my caress
      and I know that I'll soon possess
      him inside and out
      even if he makes a pout
      and tells me to 'sodd off',
      I know he's still in love
      with me and takes so much care,
      because he knows he could never bear
      to be alone, without his bride.
      His gaze is so wide
      when he lets it roam over me,
      sometimes it's so intense, I'd like to flee.
      But I adore his marble chest and skin
      so I straddle him and soon we're in sweet sin,
      not caring about who could hear, or fear
      that sometime soon they will tear
      us apart and rip out our hearts so it bleeds,
      because no one can see or feel our needs.
      That's why I afterwards scoot into his arms,
      sometimes even try to work my charms
      so he'll hold me tight, never let me go,
      I'll let his warmth flow with this beautiful sight
      right in front of my hooded eyes.
      I know he tries to be nice,
      not letting me know his doubts and fears,
      because he doesn't like my salty tears.
      I lower my head with a sigh of relief
      and that's the moment I'm sure I'm the thief
      who stole his heart and will keep it hidden in a cave,
      no woman or even man would be so brave
      to come and try to take it from me,
      because it'll sting everyone like a bee
      with envy, hate and jealousy.
      It brings me to the conclusion that thee
      will belong to me eternally,
      and I shall never ever fear
      when we know our end is near.

      In deinen Augen sehe ich die Weite des Lebens, die Tiefe des Wassers.
      Dort sehe ich das Feuer der Erde in dir brennen.
      Wenn du eintrittst, bist du so leise wie der Wind und bewegst dich so geschmeidig wie eine Katze.
      Dein Lachen nährt meinen Körper mit Wärme.
      Deine Haare sind wie reines Gold mit silbernen Spinnweben durchzogen.
      Dein Mund ist so tiefrot wie das Blut, das kochend in meinen Adern pocht.
      Dein Lachen scheint, als ob dir die Sonne ins Gesicht gesetzt wurde.
      Du verstrahlst Liebe, Wärme und Geborgenheit.
      In deinen Augen kann ich mich verlieren, bekomme keine Luft mehr und die Zeit steht still.
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