Silent Screams

      Man kann nicht in die Zukunft blicken,
      Wenn die Augen voller Tränen
      Aus der Vergangenheit sind.
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      Allein sein ist schön,
      wenn man allein sein will.
      Aber nicht, wenn man es muss...

      Im Internet gefunden, ich finde es so schön...
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      Keiner fragte mich, ob ich leben will,
      Doch alle sagen mir, wie ich leben soll!

      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      You won't be alone here.
      I will always be there for you
      Because you're my everything...
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...

      Weshalb fühlt es sich so falsch an?
      Ich kann einfach nicht mehr.
      Ohne das Gefühl von Liebe der anderen,
      Ich pack das einfach nicht!
      Warum kann ich nicht einfach mal geliebt werden?
      Aufrichtig, ohne Nebenleute, ohne Eifersucht?
      Ich lerne einen Menschen kennen,
      Er wird mir wichtig,
      Ich werde eifersüchtig.
      Ja, so läuft es jedes Mal...
      Es soll nicht mehr so laufen,
      Aber es läuft trotzdem so.
      Meine Eifersucht hat schon so viel zerstört.
      Andere und auch mich...
      Es kann so nicht mehr weitergehen!
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      Textstellen Smile Empty Soul - With this Knife

      i let myself fall into a lie
      I let my walls come down
      I let myself smile and feel alive
      I let my walls come down
      no matter how I try I don't know why
      you push so far away
      you wrapped your hands tight around my heart
      and squeezed it full of pain

      with this knife I'll cut out the part of me
      the part that cares for you
      with this knife I'll cut out the heart of me
      the heart that cares for you

      I can't believe the way you took me down
      I never saw the pain
      coming in a million broken miles
      like poison from my veins
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...

      I talked louder, laughed harder.
      Just to get you look my way...
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...

      Even my best friend wants to beat me up,
      Because I say your name too much

      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      I sit here
      And listen to everyone else's
      { lovestory }
      And I'm thinking to myself
      Where is my own?
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...

      It's really pathetic how I keep trying
      To hold on to something
      That's not coming back.
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      Silverstein - My Heroine

      You taught my heart
      A sense I never knew I had
      I can't forget
      The times that I was lost
      And depressed from the awful truth
      How do you do it?
      You're my heroine

      I bet you laugh
      At the thought of me thinking for myself
      I bet you believe
      That I'm better off with you
      Then someone else

      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...

      Und warum? Ich weiß es nicht...
      Verzweiflung, Angst, Hass, Trauer, Schmerz.
      Hat man damit noch einen Sinn zu leben?
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Silent Screams“ ()

      I will let you down
      When you finally trust me,
      Finally believe in me!

      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...

      Okay, well...
      I love your eyes and your hair and pretty much everything about you.
      I can't stop thinking about you all day long
      And when I see you I get butterflies and all my words get caught up.
      I can't live without you and I really just wanted to say:

      I love you
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...

      Mich verbindet noch etwas mit dir.
      Ich kann einfach nicht loslassen.
      Die Gedanken,
      An die Vergangenheit,
      An die Gegenwart,
      An die Zukunft.
      Überall tauchst du auf,
      Dabei möchte ich das doch eigentlich nicht.
      Aber warum bist du dann noch da?
      Warum denke ich über eine Zukunft nach?
      Nicht mit dir, so wie früher,
      Aber trotzdem bist du da.
      Warum nur?
      Ich liebe dich doch nicht mehr!

      Fragen über Fragen und keine Antwort...
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      Übersetzungsteile Alicia Keys - No one

      Ich will dich nah bei mir
      Wo du für immer bleiben kannst
      Du kannst dir sicher sein,
      Dass es nur besser werden kann

      Du und ich zusammen
      Durch Tage und Nächte
      Ich mach mir keine Sorgen,
      denn alles wird wieder gut
      Die Leute werden weiter reden
      Sie können sagen, was sie wollen
      Aber alles was ich weiß, ist, dass alles gut wird.

      Niemand, niemand, niemand
      Kann zerstören was ich fühle
      Niemand, niemand, niemand
      Kann zerstören,was ich fühl für
      dich, dich, dich
      Kannst zerstören, was ich fühl für dich

      Wenn der Regen niederprasselt
      Und mein Herz schmerzt
      Wirst du immer da sein
      Das weiß ich gewiss

      Danke für alles, ich werde dich nie vergessen!
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      No one
      Can get in the way of what I'm feelin'.
      Because you'll always have a place in my heart.
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
      Immer sind sie nur bei dir.
      Hätte ich mich doch besser nie in dich verliebt.
      Ich wäre wahrscheinlich glücklicher.
      So denke ich.
      Mir fehlt einfach die Kraft.
      Um das alles zu verarbeiten.
      Ich kann das.
      Ich schiebe es aber immer vor mich hin.
      Vor der Auseinandersetzung.
      Ich pack das doch nicht.
      Ich weiß es nicht.
      Zurzeit nicht.
      Das ist gewiss.
      Live for today, because yesterday is over
      & tomorrow may never come
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      All those scars on her arms dont worry!
      She says, they are little notes to remind her,
      How many times you broke her heart...
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