
      Das mit den Gedichten ist bei mir schon etwas her, sie sind auch etwas komisch geschrieben und viele haben mir schon gesagt, ich solle sie nicht ausstellen. Ich tu es aber trotzdem und bitte euch, sie nur zu lesen, wenn ihr "stabil" genug dafür seid. Nicht, dass ich wieder Ärger bekomme! (Es sind übrigens nicht alle englisch...)
      Vielleicht würde auch mal jemand was dazu schreiben?


      I lie dying in the dark
      And I’m breathing no more
      My pain has already killed me
      There’s no life inside my chest
      Can’t feel the blood in my veins
      Can’t feel my heart beating
      Why can’t they let me go?
      Why am I not allowed to die?
      Life is just an anguish
      It can’t make me satisfied
      Where will it lead to?
      I can’t spread my wings
      Who will cure my dead soul?
      Who will heal my deep wounds?
      Why can’t they understand?
      Why can’t I kill myself?
      Everybody says I have to live
      But what if I don’t want to?
      They should left me alone
      They should only let me die

      Never Live

      May I leave them?
      May I leave this world?
      May I kill myself?
      May I die?
      I fought for so long
      I’ve tried not to go under
      I can’t take any more
      Where is my sense?
      No one wanted to heal my wounds
      They let them bleed and die
      And I only had to watch
      May I cry?
      Tried to be as they wanted me to be
      But I can’t be like them
      I’m only who I am
      May I be lost?
      I’ve cried so many tears
      Cause they left me alone
      I’m the first who has to die
      May I bleed?
      Where do my poems lead me to?
      I can only feel pain
      Lost and forgotten in this world
      May I give in?
      My suicide
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „.:Snow White:.“ ()

      Eternal Sleep

      Darkest night, deep black sky
      The stars don’t shine, I can’t see light
      But it’s all the same to me
      Cause I know I’ll die anyhow

      All I do for my lost image
      It will be wrong and damned
      There’s no way out for me
      I’m going down by hopeless force

      I can’t defeat it in my life
      So I’ll try to do it in the end
      Can’t understand, that’s true
      No one knows: I long for my end

      I’ve lost the ground under my feet
      And I can’t spread my wings
      Then I fall into myself
      I will sleep my eternal sleep

      I’ve lost the path before me
      I couldn’t hear what they had said
      It’s true, I only wanna sleep
      And never awake
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      So long I've searched for you
      And never found a reason
      Unfortunately I have to see
      That I've never been closed to you

      I've tried to be someone else
      Tried to be what I never was
      I think, I've maintained this lie
      Only to be found by you

      Haven't you seen me?
      Do you know what I've done?
      No matter what I'll tell them
      They will be against me

      I am different from them
      And they don't wanna accept
      Now I know I will never be
      Like they want me to be

      Because the way I love you...
      They don't know distress and madness
      They haven't felt like me
      Because they don't wannna understand

      Will they ever see what I am?
      They can't understand my feelings
      Will they ever know how I'm feeling?
      Or will they ever know me?
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You
      Sonnet of Lies

      I can't remember the place I belong
      I don't know why but I'm frozen inside
      I'm withering again to what I have been
      There's no more escape, no way to hide

      More lies about me, I can't take much more
      It was my sin, I've betrayed everyone
      Where has my sense gone that I now can't feel?
      But am I the one who faults?

      Take me away from my history
      Save me from all I've ever said
      Don't let me stay here alone

      Take me away from all of my lies
      Catch me when I fall into the dark
      Save me from the death in me

      What's Love?

      Love is a drug: You can't get enough!
      Love is fear, love is pain.
      Searching for answers, for feelings.
      Searching for the right way without a destination, without any reason.
      Love is important, love is absurd.
      Cause you're waiting and waiting and waiting in vain.
      But finally someone will come.
      Somewhere, somehow!
      Someone who loves you,
      Someone who deceives you,
      Someone who hurts you,
      Someone who leaves you,
      Someone who kills you!
      It's the truth, you can't overcome.
      Somehow you'll get a chance and somehow you'll lose it.
      Love means sorrow, love means sadness.
      Love will be madness!
      Every time, everywhere!
      It is something that strikes you down.
      It's more than hate, it's more than friendship!
      But it's just a feeling.
      Terrible, horrible, cruel, deadly!
      In the end you will see: It wasn't fair!
      It's immortal, it's painful!
      You will see: It's worthwhile!
      Someone will find you,
      Someone will lead you,
      Someone who knows how to help.
      And you will notice: "I love you."

      Hope for you

      I don't know whether you've noticed.
      I tell you: I can't take much more.
      Is it still a life or just a hunt for you?
      Cause I don't know: Can I live without you?
      Now I wish you were at my side.
      I wanna be with you forever.
      Maybe it will come to an end,
      But I don't know if you'll be there.
      My only wish is to be with you,
      But nevertheless I fear your decision.
      What if you hate me? What if I'll fail?
      What if my love to you destroyes me?
      Will I get another chance?
      My last attempt will decide!
      Your sweet smile keeps me awake.
      Will I ever be free and overcome my thoughts?
      Fallen out of the sky you came to me.
      I become mad when you spread your wings.
      My hope for you becomes smaller,
      Cause I've ever known, you hate me.
      It's against all rules but there's still hope.
      Believe in me and let your dreams fly with mine.
      We'll never be together; that makes me sad.
      Is it so? I have to let you go.
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Trauernd sitze ich hier
      Zitternd und voller Schmerz
      Wie fühlt es sich an, wenn man fällt?
      Meine Hoffnung ist so dunkel
      So viele Tränen führten mich her
      So viel Angst, in der ich mich wog
      Leise wimmernd in der Kälte dieser Welt
      Verloren und niemals gefunden
      Und langsam läuft das warme Blut
      Mein Handgelenk hinunter und stirbt
      Befreiung, Erlösung, es ist kein Grund
      Die, die es merken, wenden sich ab
      Und wäre da Licht, es würde verdeckt
      Von Wolken aus schwarzen Träumen gesponnen
      Ich falle in mich zusammen,
      Weil mein Körper nicht mehr will
      Meine Seele kann meine Schuld nicht mehr tragen
      So wie sie sie einst trug, als noch alles gut war
      Der Tod kommt früher, als man denkt...
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You
      Crying for you

      What would they say if I told them?
      I would be a slut. I would be guilty!
      It's driving me mad. There's just madness.
      It strikes me down. I can't get by.
      Feelings are lying, but now I am sure.
      I can't describe what I'm feeling for you.
      Whatever I'll do it will never return.
      It's running through my head every time.
      It will be my fault. It's like crying.
      I am crying for you, I am crazy for you.
      You drive me crazy. I can't defend myself.
      It's raining. It's raining again.
      I am falling. But I don't know why.
      What have I done that you deny?
      Tell me, what's in your mind?
      It was only a failure. All have failed.
      I am searching for you but you're far away.
      You seem so unattainable. What should I do?
      What has happened that we parted?
      I don't wanna understand! I just long for you!
      Tell them, I would be a slut.
      I can't be happy cause I AM A SLUT!
      What can I do against it all? I will die!
      My sweet darling, I want you back!
      Don't you understand?
      I will never let you go.
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Am I alone in this painful time?
      I see no mercy, I feel no pain inside.
      I can't hear you in the darkness,
      I long for your light.
      Feelings are gonna strike me down.
      I will never be free.
      My black thoughts are crying for help!
      Don't you see?
      Tell me, where are you when I need to be with you?
      Tell me, what has happened?
      I feel so lost.
      My sun will never rise. My light will never shine.
      Cause I'm the one who has to die
      Until the end of time.
      There's no freedom, there's no love.
      That is all just a lie.
      My way, my life, it's not true!
      Is it the only way to go for me?
      It brings disaster on me. I will be my decline.
      Where have you been?
      Say who I am. I don't know!
      Trouble's gonna make me unhappy.
      It's driving me mad!
      I will be lost, I will be dead, I'm gonna die!
      What should I do?
      Chosen, hidden, beaten, hurt, fallen, I'm just a wreck.
      It's like a drug for my soul.
      It makes me feeling nothing.
      What about myself? What do I feel?
      Will I ever be free? Will I ever be lucky?
      Now I can feel the pain. It tears me apart!
      Who will understand what I'm doing, what I'm feeling,
      How I'm crying, why I'm dying?
      And I will try to search for myself.
      But I will fail like every time.
      I am falling and there's no one to catch me
      Until I'm going under. Will you be here?
      I want you forever, I just wanna live.
      Why am I not allowed to overcome? Why should I die?
      Where is the end of that tunnel of life?
      Where is the end of this way?
      I wanna find it cause I just wanna die!
      But then I spread my wings one more time.
      I will fly away just one last time.
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You
      Frozen Reality

      I can't feel the blood in my veins
      And I see her face again
      Through the mist of dawning end
      And everywhere I go
      I know, I'm just a victim
      In the game of bloody life
      I'll never find my way
      Through the darkness, back to this world
      Why is she haunting me?
      She's the legend of my mind
      Has frozen my memories
      And all the moments of life
      I just wanna die so much
      But no one lets me go my way
      There're always those whispering voices
      Which lead me back on earth
      She's cutting my soul all the time
      She hurts me my heart so much
      She will never let me go
      I'm lost in her arms
      And snow is falling to the ground
      Which I can hold no longer
      Where is the truth? I can't find it
      There is no reason to go on
      I only wanna feel my blood
      Which is running out of me
      Which shows me that I still can feel
      Just one sign and I give in
      I know, I can't be without her
      But she destroys me every time
      She strangles me, I can't breathe
      Cause there is the fear of me
      I am lost in reality
      And I wanna give in
      But no one can understand
      I'm so alone
      All over me is only fear
      There's just ice to freeze me
      And I can't do anything
      Though I don't wanna do
      I'm away from reality
      I don't suppose: There's still hope
      I don't believe in this
      Cause I was disappointed
      It will be my destiny,
      My frozen reality
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You
      My Queen of Shadows

      This life is unforgiven
      Whispering and striking me down
      Holding me back from my death
      She said what I mean

      Turning around me and ending
      She will ever return to me
      I can't spread my wings, I can't breathe
      Trusting to no one

      Into the cold winters of death
      She put me and raised me there
      Dove into the lake of my thoughts
      So black as the night

      Her arms around me, I'm so lost
      She holds my hand through all the times
      She's gone a long way with me
      She is my decline
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      I've been lost for a long time
      I think I will never be found
      Because I can't escape alone
      I can't fly without my wings
      Time has already caught me up
      Cause I'm the last who has to live
      I've been killed so long ago
      But now I'm dying again
      It was my destiny to fall
      And now I see clearly enough
      I can't trust myself anymore
      I've been my own prisoner
      Things can't be erased by time
      It was only my own fault
      I've been a fallen angel
      I've been faithless, I've been dead
      There were heavy walls around me
      Overwhelming and full of blood
      I've never been satisfied
      I've gone under in a swamp of tears
      I've screamed but no one heard me
      Trying to live I've done everything
      I've fallen into darkness
      I couldn't breathe and get up
      No one found me in the dark
      I could already see the dusk
      I thought the sun will never rise
      Life has only been a fake
      I could see my own decline
      For dreams I had to give in
      I think I will ever be lost
      Now and forever, I'll give in
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You
      My Feelings for You

      I feel a deadly pain inside my chest
      A sharp feeling hurts my heart
      It's running through every part of my body
      My blood is getting colder and colder
      My lonely heart is crying for you
      I only hear a perfidious whisper
      That makes me feeling worse
      It's disappointing for my life
      No one is here to share my pain with me
      There is just loneliness and despair
      My sins are striking me down
      Tell me, where is the love?
      My heart is beating when I see your face,
      When I listen to your voice
      I know, you think I was a slut
      Which still loves you so much
      But tell me, what should I do?
      Tell me, why should I lie?
      I have to overcome this pain
      No matter whether alone or not!
      I've understood, I can't be with you
      But that's all no reason to deny
      Can you imagine how much I long for you?
      I wanna feel you in my arms
      So far I don't know what I'm feeling for you
      But now it is so clear
      It's just a painful feeling to love you
      But I can't do anything against my heart
      I'm feeling madness, feeling sadness and despair
      I hope you know: I long for you
      It's the truth:
      I still love you!

      Without You

      Don't you know? I'm still here.
      Is that the end of all hope?
      Is there a place for me in your heart?
      Is there still hope?
      My mad soul longs for you every day
      Cause it doesn't wanna be alone
      What have I to do to get you back?
      You left me without any reason
      I'm in despair, I can't see a light
      I wanna find you anywhere
      It's all desperate cause you won't come back!
      Everywhere I'm searching, there's just darkness
      I will only find madness
      You're not longer here, you will find your way
      And you leave me alone in the dark
      My feeling for you is just sadness
      Heaven will never receive me
      Because I am not normal, I am quite mad
      I still feel something for you
      I still fear these little words:
      "I will never return."
      Please share your feelings with me one more time
      You were my sin, it's better to go
      But I need to be with you to live
      I'm all alone without you
      You were my angel, it's better to stop
      In the end there's only fear
      Fear of you, fear of me
      Trying to be with you I do everything
      I do everything for you.
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Warum können sie es nicht verstehen?
      Warum sind sie jetzt so?
      Warum machen sie mich fertig?
      Warum habe ich nichts getan?

      Warum habe ich versucht, dich zu mögen?
      Warum liebe ich dich jetzt?
      Warum habe ich es gehasst?
      Warum haben sie es rausgefunden?
      Warum denkst du nie daran?
      Warum kapierst du es nicht?
      Warum denn jeder, außer dir?
      Warum magst du mich nicht?
      Warum kann ich nicht von dir verlangen, mich zu lieben?
      Warum musste das passieren?
      Warum fühle ich mich so leer ohne dich?
      Warum habe ich dich geliebt?

      Warum fühle ich nichts mehr?
      Warum bin ich so krank?
      Warum verstehe ich mich selbst nicht mehr?
      Warum sind da überall diese Schnitte in mir?

      Warum - verdammt nochmal - lebe ich?
      Warum verstehen sie mich nicht?
      Warum hassen sie mich alle?
      Warum darf ich nicht st*rb*n?
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „.:Snow White:.“ ()

      Tag für Tag

      Jeden Tag dasselbe...
      Jeden morgen dasselbe Lächeln
      Es ist nicht echt
      Nur eine Fassade

      Jeden Tag, immer wieder...
      Dieses aufgezwungene Lächeln
      Um ihr zu zeigen
      Dass sie nichts falsch macht

      Tag für Tag, tausendmal
      Diese Worte, die mich so verletzen
      Wunden, dich ich nicht hätte sehen dürfen
      Weil ich doch selbst welche habe

      Tag für Tag, dieser Gedanke
      Einfach zu sterben
      Den niemand versteht
      Weil es niemand ernst nimmt

      Immer und immer wieder
      Weil ich nicht mehr kann
      Keiner merkt es
      Nie wieder
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You
      Was ich will...

      Meine Wunden sind so tief
      Ich würde jetzt gerne schreien...

      Du hast mich so sehr verletzt
      Ich würde jetzt gerne weinen...

      Ich weiß, es wird sich nie ändern
      Ich würde jetzt gerne sterben...

      What I want... (keine wörtliche, englische Übersetzung)

      My wounds are so deep
      I wanna scream so much...

      You've hurt me so long
      I wanna cry so much...

      I know, it will never be changed
      I wanna die so much...
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You
      Es ist...

      ...weil ich nie sein durfte, wer ich bin
      ...weil ich mich selbst erkannt habe
      ...weil ich ein schlechter Mensch bin
      ...weil ich niemals so sein könnte
      ...weil alle etwas von mir erwarten
      ...weil ich tausend Tränen vergoß
      ...weil nichts da war, nur Leere
      ...weil ich das alles nicht mehr will
      ...weil ich das alles nicht mehr kann
      ...weil ich es so will

      ...darum die Angst, das Blut und alles andere.
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Razorblade - how did you find me?
      Razorblade - why did you chose me?
      Razorblade - I'm breathing no more.
      Razorblade - I can't take much more.
      Razorblade - I believe in you.
      Razorblade - And now I trsut you.
      Razorblade - Can you redeem me?
      Razorblade - I don't like you
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Manchmal frage ich mich, wo ich bin...
      Manchmal weiß ich nicht, wer ich bin...
      Manchmal kann ich dich nicht sehen...
      Manchmal bist du zu weit weg...

      Wo ist der Weg, den ich gehen soll?
      Wo ist das Ziel, das ich verfolge?
      Wohin wirst du mich führen?
      Wohin werde ich letzten Endes gehen?

      Ich habe lange gesucht...
      Ich habe lange nachgedacht...
      Ich habe alles versucht...


      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Do you know what it's like to be me?
      Do you know what "life" means?
      Can you say how I feel when I tell you that I'm dying?
      Have you ever felt your blood running out of your body?
      I can't feel my heart, my blood, my pulse.
      Has everybody got a soul which revives us?
      So many questions, I'm not allowed to ask.
      They will never notice me, you will never help me!
      Will I ever live again? Will my feelings return?
      I've lost everything I could call "my life"!
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „.:Snow White:.“ ()

      Ein paar Zeilen über mich selbst...

      Du hast viel zu lang gewartet
      Jetzt ist es zu spät
      Es wird dich niemand finden
      In dieser kalten Welt
      Der Spiegel zeigt dein Bild nicht mehr
      Sieh' dich doch nur an!
      Du weißt, jetzt ist alles vorbei
      Niemand mehr da, der dich retten kann...

      Erinner' dich, du hast's versprochen!
      Hast doch alle betrogen!
      Du bist wirklich nichts mehr wert;
      So dermaßen verlogen!
      Wer könnte dich schon noch lieben?!
      Niemand, der dich mehr sieht...
      Stirb' doch endlich, Miststück!!!
      Du hast es nur verdient...
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You

      Hast nie alles gesehen.
      Hast nie zugehört.
      Hast alles nur noch schlimmer gemacht.
      Hast dich nie dafür interessiert.
      Hast doch nie versucht zu verstehen.
      Hast nie versucht etwas zu ändern.
      Hast noch nie etwas verstanden.
      Hast keine Lust mehr auf mich.

      Du hast doch gar nicht bemerkt, dass ich nicht mehr da bin.
      Sickened in the sun
      You dare tell me you love me
      But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
      Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way

      Evanescence - The last Song I'm wasting on You