
      Ist schon etwas älter und nicht mehr richtig aktuell, aber so ziemlich das einzigste was ich geschrieben habe... dachte ich könnts hier mal rein stellen:

      is there anybody
      in the world

      who can help me to decide
      where is the right an the wrong side

      who can understand
      and also hold my hand

      who can say, that all my ideas doesn´t matter
      that my life can turn better

      who can say, that we can start together
      does it realy give a person forever

      where is the person
      who hold my broken pieces in the hand
      and save me, like somebody, who it never gives again

      and if you´ll knocking on my door
      my life will never be like before
      I don´t want to live any more
      but there´s althoug nothing to die for
      I want to scream that all
      but your head is too small

      you have no shame
      if you realy do it again
      you aren´t clever
      you´ll die forever

      you´ll never decide´what side
      you´ll never understand
      you´ll can´t turn better
      you won´t be the person forever

      you´ll get drugs
      you´ll never play the same game
      you´ll die some time
      so you´ll never, never become my person for ever

      but if you´ll knocking on my door
      my life will never be like before
      I don´t want to live any more
      but there´s althoug nothing to die for
      I want to scream that all
      but your head is too small

      you have no shame
      if you realy do it again
      you aren´t clever
      you´ll die forever

      i ask for anybody in the world
      but i think there is no hope
      to find what i´m searching for